How to Write a Literature Review for an Academic Paper in Information Systems
This working newspaper has been thoroughly revised and superseded by ii distinct articles. The showtime is a revised and peer-reviewed version of the original commodity: Okoli, Chitu (2015), A Guide to Conducting a Standalone Systematic Literature Review. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (37:43), November 2015, pp. 879-910. This article presents a methodology for conducting a systematic literature review with many examples from IS enquiry and references to guides with further helpful details. The article is available from Google Scholar or from the author'southward website. The 2nd extension commodity focuses on developing theory with literature reviews: Okoli, Chitu (2015), The View from Giants' Shoulders: Developing Theory with Theory-Mining Systematic Literature Reviews. SSRN Working Paper Series, Dec eight, 2015. This commodity identifies theory-mining reviews, which are literature reviews that extract and synthesize theoretical concepts from the source primary studies. The article demonstrates past citation assay that, in information systems enquiry, this kind of literature review is more highly cited than other kinds of literature review. The article provides detailed guidelines to writing a high-quality theory-mining review.
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A Guide to Conducting a Systematic Literature Review of
Information Systems Research
Chitu Okoli and Kira Schabram
This working paper has been superseded by two articles:
1. Revised and peer-reviewed version of the original commodity (this is probably what you're
looking for):
Okoli, Chitu (2015). A Guide to Conducting a Standalone Systematic Literature Review.
Communications of the Association for Information Systems (37:43), November 2015, pp. 879-
Many scholars are not well trained in conducting a standalone literature review, a scholarly
newspaper that in its entirety summarizes and synthesizes knowledge from a prior torso of research.
Numerous guides that exist for information systems (IS) research mainly concentrate on only
sure parts of the procedure; few bridge the unabridged process. This newspaper introduces the rigorous,
standardized methodology for the systematic literature review (also called systematic review) to
IS scholars. This comprehensive guide extends the base methodology from the health sciences and
other fields with numerous adaptations to encounter the needs of methodologically diverse fields such
as IS research, especially those that involve including and synthesizing both quantitative and
qualitative studies. Moreover, this guide provides humany examples from IS inquiry and provides
references to guides with further helpful details for conducting a rigorous and valuable literature
review. Although tailored to IS inquiry, it is sufficiently wide to be applicable and valuable to
scholars from any social scientific discipline field.
This article tin be downloaded from Google Scholar or from
2. Extension that specifically focuses on developing theory from literature reviews (this
might be what you lot're looking for simply yous didn't realize it ):
Okoli, Chitu. The View from Giants' Shoulders: Developing Theory with Theory-Mining
Systematic Literature Reviews. SSRN Working Newspaper Serial, December 8, 2015
( )
Although numerous guides be for building theory, these practise not provide much assist in
carefully gathering material from past research that tin serve as material for new theory
evolution. Moreover, although at that place are numerous guides for conducting literature reviews,
none focuses squarely on theory development. We fill this dual shortage by identifying and
describing theory-mining reviews, literature reviews that explicitly extract and synthesize the
elements of theory from primary studies. Our citation analysis finds that such reviews in
information systems have been more than hulloghly cited than other kinds of reviews, whether authored
by senior or by inferior scholars. We present detailed guidelines for conducting a systematic
literature review (also known as a systematic review) that develops 3 different kinds of theory-
mining reviews: scoping out a theoretical landscape, contending for a new theoretical model, or
rigorously testing a proposed theory. These guidelines are particularly tailored for data
systems research, simply are sufficiently general to be readily applicable in a wide range of social
sciences, so that researchers tin can stand on the shoulders of foregoing scholarly yardiants to see farther
with new, insightful theories.
This article can exist downloaded from SSRN:
... This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) to thoroughly sympathize the main characteristics of smart logistics in Industry v.0. Literature review studies could exist distinguished past ii taxonomies according to their domain of contribution [45,46], namely conventional and stand-alone literature reviews. The onetime is broadly known and used past scholars serving every bit a groundwork study that highlights a literature gap every bit the basis of a research project. ...
... To be more precise, such a study ought to adapt a solid methodology with clear notations on the procedures encompassing deep insights into the corresponding research materials, which can be reproduced by other scholars. Based on this framework, the SLR was defined as [45]: "a systematic, explicit, comprehensive, and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the existing torso of completed and recorded work produced by researchers, scholars, and practitioners". An SLR can benefit from both qualitative and quantitative methods by exploiting the meta-analysis, which takes place prior to the qualitative evaluation of the selected manufactures, and thus neutralizes the bear upon of selection bias pertaining to a narrative literature review [45,48]. ...
... Based on this framework, the SLR was defined as [45]: "a systematic, explicit, comprehensive, and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced past researchers, scholars, and practitioners". An SLR can benefit from both qualitative and quantitative methods by exploiting the meta-analysis, which takes place prior to the qualitative evaluation of the selected articles, and thus neutralizes the impact of option bias pertaining to a narrative literature review [45,48]. ...
Given the importance of human being centricity, resilience, and sustainability, the emerging concept of Industry 5.0 has pushed forward the research frontier of the applied science-focused Manufacture iv.0 to a smart and harmonious socio-economic transition driven by both humans and technologies, where the role of the human in the technological transformation is predominantly focused on. Several studies discuss the impacts of disruptive technologies on smart logistics operations in Manufacture four.0. Still, since Industry 5.0 is a new concept and still in its infancy, its implications for smart logistics accept not been discussed. To make full this gap, this paper presents a comparative bibliometric analysis to testify the connection and differences betwixt Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 and their implications for smart logistics. A thorough content assay is then given to illustrate the features of smart logistics in Industry 5.0 apropos four areas, namely intelligent automation, intelligent devices, intelligent systems, and intelligent materials. The results show that, compared with Industry 4.0, the enquiry of smart logistics in Industry five.0 puts more focus on the interaction between humans and technology in the digital transition, with the increasing adoption of collaborative technologies, e.g., man–motorcar systems, collaborative robots, and man–robot collaboration. Finally, a inquiry agenda is proposed for identifying future research directions of smart logistics in Industry 5.0.
... The remaining articles were and so divided among the authors and read. Text that reflected upon any of the v challenges was extracted and grouped for the analysis and reporting activity [44]. In practise, this also meant the authors examined each extraction and discussed the motivation thereof to resolve whatever differences. ...
In this study, a framework was developed, based on a literature review, to help managers incorporate cybersecurity risk direction in agile development projects. The literature review used predefined codes that were developed by extending previously defined challenges in the literature—for developing secure software in active projects—to include aspects of agile cybersecurity risk management. Five steps were identified based on the insights gained from how the reviewed literature has addressed each of the challenges: (1) risk collection; (2) adventure refinement; (3) risk mitigation; (four) knowledge transfer; and (5) escalation. To appraise the appropriateness of the identified steps, and to decide their inclusion or exclusion in the framework, a survey was submitted to 145 software developers using a four-point Likert scale to measure the attitudes towards each step. The resulting framework presented herein serves as a starting signal to help managers and developers construction their active projects in terms of cybersecurity risk management, supporting less overloaded agile processes, stakeholder insights on relevant risks, and increased security assurance.
... The early scholars have identified the systematic literature review (SLR) is the science of reviewing the existing literature for summarizing the fundamental factors and findings (Mulrow, 1994) and ensuring the best synthesisation (Cook et al., 1997). The SLR is an effective tool to find out the well-nigh relevant literature for a specific report from millions of scholarly publications (Nightingale, 2009) that stands equally a guide for the researchers (Okoli and Schabram, 2010). The SLR has the capability to deal with big and big data sets (Mikalef et al., 2018) and offers analyses also. ...
The research was instigated by the "Organizational Resilience for Innovativeness in Service Delivery" projection of the Hunter H2o. The aim of the project was to assess the readiness of innovative capabilities of the water utilities in Australia. With this cease, doctoral research was identified with title "Organizational Innovativeness for Service Delivery in Water Utilities". Primarily, the scope of research was limited to 3 water utilities in the New Due south Wales. Later, it was changed to nationwide written report with the cooperation and support of the Hunter Water and the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA). It started with a simple and straightforward question: What factors should be taken into account in developing organizational innovativeness for service commitment? It was then followed several research objectives and the main theme was to make up one's mind the level of existence of relevant factors of service delivery innovativeness in Australian water utilities. that contribute to innovative service. In this manner, the simple research got highly enriched. Through a rigorous systematic literature review, 102 individual influencing factors of organizational innovativeness were identified and classified into x thematic groups, and these were civilisation, HRM functions, top management orientation, external surround, organizational proficiencies, leadership, knowledge management, market place pressure level and contest, technology accommodation and research and development. Since the nature of the h2o utilities are different than other industries, the focus was shifted towards the service industry, which is the closest domain of water utilities. Because this, 102 chosen factors were reduced to 81 individual influencing factors, under the same 10 thematic groups. Questions were raised whether all these 81 factors were relevant for Australian water utilities plus how to measure the level of existence of the essential factors enabling innovativeness in the water utilities. The research thus adopted a combination of both qualitative and quantitative method in ii phases. In the first phase of the research, 3 focus group discussions were conducted where the innovation champions and managers from unlike water utilities across Australia have participated and they endorsed 14 influencing factors like teamwork, vision training & evolution, customers' requirements, to name but a few. In addition, they added ii new factors in the list. Furthermore, the focus group members also finalized v measuring factors of organizational innovativeness in service delivery which include Frequency of Innovative Change, benefits of Innovative Change, Speed of Innovative Change, Experience of Innovative Change and Risks associated with Innovative Alter. In the 2nd phase, comprehensive quantitative inquiry was carried out to reach the research objectives in the grade of survey questionnaire, which was newly developed resulting from the first phase of the research. The researcher received more than than 500 responses, amid them 465 responses were complete and usable. Based on the 465 responses, the quantitative analyses revealed only a few factors, i.e., Customers' Requirements, Regulators' Influence: change Teamwork exist at higher level (not completely). So, it is very clear that the water utilities in Commonwealth of australia are truly less innovative in their service commitment. The story was interesting when the responses from the managers and non-managers were analysed separately. The managerial employees found that thought generation, customers' requirements, capital resources, industry relationships etc. in work improvements are negatively significant towards the innovation issue. On the other hand, the non-managerial employees feel that teamwork and regulators' influence: in work change are negatively significant towards the innovation measures. Vital and Immediate Further Extensive Research Required Though the research objectives were fully achieved, and the enquiry question was properly answered with adequate testify, the researcher feels that this research has brought into lite the problems in the organizational innovativeness for service delivery in the h2o utilities across Australia. Consequently, it volition get vulnerable in meeting the demand because of climatic change, high migrants and obviously lack of innovativeness in service delivery. The authority must consider the findings from the doctoral research and concentrate on the further inquiry to solve the problems for the meliorate future of the nation.
... The nowadays study followed the eight-step procedure proposed by Okoli and Schabram (2010). To behave a rigorous systematic review, the post-obit viii steps were followed (Okoli, 2015): (1) identify the review purpose; ...
Learning analytics (LA) is a growing research tendency and has recently been used in research and practices in massive open online courses (MOOCs). This systematic review of 166 articles from 2011–2021 synthesizes the trends and critical issues of LA in MOOCs. The 8-footstep process proposed by Okoli and Schabram was used to guide this systematic review in analyzing publication outlets, research purposes and methods, stakeholders, and researchers' geographic locations and subjects. The review showed that MOOC LA research is primarily published in top-tier journals, such as the Journal of Learning Analytics, Periodical of Computer Assisted Learning , and Computers & Education, as well every bit conference proceedings. The review likewise revealed that LA in MOOCs was used more often for the purpose of research than for exercise (i.east., learning and didactics). Approximately 60% of the reviewed studies adopted learners' log data and accomplishment data as the primary information sources. Statistics, machine learning, content assay, social network assay, text analysis, and information visualization were the elevation six specific data assay techniques used in the MOOC LA studies. Regarding collaboration, more half of the reviewed studies involved interdisciplinary collaborations, and approximately one-3rd involved international collaborations. We suggested futurity studies on MOOC LA interventions to meliorate learning and didactics practices, and the active interdisciplinary collaboration to increase the rigor of the studies and the dissemination of the cognition. More detailed word and implications for research and practice are presented. This research provides insights on future research and practices regarding LA use in MOOCs.
... This paper is based on a comprehensive literature review. The initial phase of the review was to identify the intended goals and purpose of the review so as to ensure that the purpose of the review is clear to the readers (Okoli & Schabram, 2010). A typical literature review process comprises of different stages such as searching, collecting, prioritizing and reading with a purpose then as to seek out fundamental issues and themes which are and then presented and discussed as critically as possible (Wellington et al., 2005). ...
- Matovu Davis
- Mwase Ali
- Engotoit Benard
The integration of Information Communication Technologies into service delivery plays a office in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Local Government services. Yet, the effectiveness of these new innovations has encountered a lot of challenges. This paper is based on a literature review of the journal manufactures and documents relating to ICT integration into service commitment and investigates the challenges to the successful integration of ICT in the ministry of local government of Uganda. In order to carry a systematic review, the guidelines suggested by Okoli and Schabram (2010) were followed. In total 80 relevant articles and documents have been examined all of which accept been published in leading journals, conferences proceedings, reports from government and non-government organizations. The results show that Low skill base to use existing equipment, Inability to repair existing equipment due to lack of in-firm expertise, Inadequate operational funds to procure and maintain existing equipment, Lack of customized systems for service commitment functions mandated to the local governments, Uncoordinated ICT initiatives, Power fluctuations, Lack of commitment and initiatives past staff are among the most common challenges to the successful ICT integration of in the Ugandan ministry of local government. The study suggests that the Ugandan government tin can benefit from the advantages of ICT integration if they address these challenges collectively assuasive for the sensitivity of certain socio-economic realities.
... For this reason, large money amounts are inverted to optimize algorithms and to develop new inquiry on hybrid arroyo. This inquiry presents a systematic literature review on the hybrid approaches for recommender systems that is designed with an Okoli and Schram's information systems guide [4]. Systematic literature review is a systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the completed and recorded enquiry produced by researchers, scholars, and practitioners. ...
Recommender systems represent a high economical, social, and technological impact at international level due to the most relevant technological companies accept been used them as their main services because that user feel and companies sales accept been improved. For this reason, these systems are a principal research area, and the companies optimize their algorithms with hybrid approaches that combine ii or more recommendation strategies. A systematic literature review on the hybrid approaches for recommender systems is generated by this piece of work, the objectives are to analyze enquiry line progress and to identify opportunity areas for future investigations. Farther, the recent trends well-nigh challenges, methodologies, datasets, application domains and evaluation metrics on hybrid approach are identified. An art state from 2016 to 2020 is developed with data systems guide than different others works that use less contempo guide and software applied science guide. This inquiry will benefit recommender systems customs.
... A systematic literature review (SLR) is a review in which questions are formulated and systematic and explicit procedures are used to notice, select, and critically assess relevant research in order to gather and evaluate data from the studies included in the review [22]. This method is chosen because it provides an accurate and reliable manner to synthesize academic literature and is widely accepted in many inquiry domains. ...
Centre affliction is one of the meaning challenges in today'south globe and one of the leading causes of many deaths worldwide. Recent advancement of machine learning (ML) application demonstrates that using electrocardiogram (ECG) and patients' information, detecting center disease during the early on stage is feasible. Nonetheless, both ECG and patients' data are ofttimes imbalanced, which ultimately raises a challenge for the traditional ML to perform unbiasedly. Over the years, several information level and algorithm level solutions have been exposed by many researchers and practitioners. To provide a broader view of the existing literature, this study takes a systematic literature review (SLR) arroyo to uncover the challenges associated with imbalanced data in centre diseases predictions. Earlier that, we conducted a meta-analysis using 451 reference literature caused from the reputed journals between 2012 and November 15, 2021. For in-depth assay, 49 referenced literature has been considered and studied, taking into account the following factors: eye disease type, algorithms, applications, and solutions. Our SLR written report revealed that the current approaches meet various open problems/bug when dealing with imbalanced information, somewhen hindering their practical applicability and functionality. In the diagnosis of heart disease, auto learning approaches aid to ameliorate data-driven controlling. A metadata analysis of 451 articles and content analysis of 49 selected articles of heart illness diagnosis. Researchers primarily concentrated on enhancing the performance of the models while disregarding other problems such as the interpretability and explainability of Car learning algorithms.
- Aljazzi Fetais
- Galal M. Abdella
- Khalifa Northward. Al-Khalifa
- Abdel Magid Hamouda
Concern process re-technology (BPR) is an approach to improving organizational performance. It evolved more often than not within the individual sector to maintain a successful business concern model despite increasing global competition. BPR presents a fundamental improvement in the essential organizational design. This newspaper investigates recent studies of BPR and identifies the success factors of BPR projects and their connection to the human–applied science–organisation (HTO) framework. Past examining the relevant literature, nosotros report various factors and their effects on the implementation of BPR and how these factors can affect process operation, successfully or otherwise. The aim is to study the literature to decide the success factors and challenges for BPR in the HTO framework. The commodity concludes past emphasizing the factors that will aid to allow BPR to be implemented with a wider apply in unlike sectors.
- Hossein Dabiriyan Tehrani
- Sara Yamini
The current meta-analysis investigates gender-role differentiation on horizontal-vertical individualism and collectivism orientations. Nosotros used the PRISMA and Cochrane's guidelines to find the related resource to answer research questions. Nosotros searched ProQuest, Scopus, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Microsoft Academic, Scientific, Scientific discipline open for all published and non-published studies through 1 September 2021. Ane hundred 20-eight effect sizes based on 18 studies were pooled in this meta-analysis. We found a significant divergence between males and females in horizontal collectivism (δ = −0.086), with females scoring somewhat higher than males. A significant difference in vertical individualism was also observed (δ = 0.264), indicating that males have a higher score than females. We identified no considerable difference between males and females on vertical collectivism and horizontal individualism. The moderator analysis revealed that country-level cultural differences (individualistic vs. collectivistic societies) modifies gender differences in vertical individualism. Males show a higher vertical individualism than females in individualistic societies, while no difference was observed between males and females in collectivistic societies. We identified that age group moderates the male–female difference in horizontal individualism. Males among adolescents (16–xix) revealed more horizontal individualism than females, and no difference was identified between males and females in young adults (20–26).
We review 13 studies dealing with empirical relationships between perceived task scope and employee performance. Results from these studies are contradictory and inconclusive. Most studies employ less than adequate measures of employee performance. Moreover, although a causal human relationship is assumed, reciprocal or reverse causality may be. There is a clear need for farther theoretical explication and improved laboratory and field research aimed at enhancing both construct validity and substantive considerations.
- G. Alavi
- P. Carlson
The current study focuses on the evolution of MIS as a field of research and enquiry and examines its intellectual development. These issues are addressed through a systematic examination and analysis of 908 MIS manufactures published between 1968 and 1988 in eight core journals. The articles were analyzed for themes, topics, and enquiry arroyo. The findings identify popular inquiry topics, the dominant research perspective, and the relationship between MIS enquiry and practice. The popular enquiry topics consist of: IS direction, data systems types and characteristics, and development and functioning of systems. The dominant research perspective employed in most all of the empirical articles included in the study tin be characterized as a traditional approach reflecting a positivist orientation.
A review of research on worker responses to shift work emphasizes identification of workers' problems. Theoretical analysis suggests that many shift-related bug are a function of lack of community orientation toward shift piece of work schedules.
- M. M. Petty
- Gail W. McGee
- Jerry W. Cavender
The correlational literature concerning the relationships between individual chore satisfaction and individual performance was analyzed, using the meta-analysis techniques of Hunter, Schmidt, and Jackson (1982). Higher and more than consistent correlations between overall chore satisfaction and performance were indicated than those previously reported. Relationships between JDI measures of task satisfaction and performance were non as high or as consistent as those found between overall job satisfaction and performance.
- Robert J. Bies
Although impression management in the feedback-seeking process has emerged every bit an important research topic, existing research has failed to capture the range and complexity of impression management behaviors. This article provides a theoretical framework for existing and future research. Information technology examines how impression management sometimes discourages and at other times encourages feedback enquiry, and it explains the touch that impression management has on when, from whom, and how individuals enquire for feedback. Organizational implications of the impression management motive in feedback seeking are discussed.
International joint ventures (IJVs) are becoming more mutual. This paper classifies the structural characteristics of IJVs and summarizes prevalent personnel problems in IJVs and potential problems that have been overlooked by the homo resource literature. A classification of the different employee groups in IJVs is presented and directions for future research are discussed.
IntroductionIndividual studiesThe summary effectHeterogeneity of effect sizesSummary points
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